Sunday, March 30, 2025
Videos that explore efforts at bringing change to Pakistan with a focus on ideas, causes, campaigns, individuals and institutions that have been successful and those that have failed, and why.
The competition seeks to raise awareness and encourage activism on important social issues, and encourage the use of new media in Pakistan. Submissions for the Video Contest 2017 may deal with any of the following:
  • Gender:
    Issues faced by gender groups.
  • Labour:
    The working poor, women, domestic servants.
  • Minorities:
    Issues of Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minorities.
  • Environment:
    What are we doing to the environment and how to save it?
  • Peace:
    Why is Pakistan afflicted and what’s to be done to bring peace?
  • Human Rights:
    Declining state of human rights in Pakistan.
  • Equality:
    How to ensure equality among the citizens?


Judges for this year’s competition have been finalized. Please find them along with their details below.

We are delighted to inform you that our slot at the Karachi Literature Festival 2018 has been finalized for 10th February.



Nadeem Farooq Paracha, Maheen Zia and Khusro Mumtaz

Nadeem Farooq Paracha

Culture Critic & Columnist


Film Director & Editor


Columnist & Film Critic