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These videos are presented by Pervez Hoodbhoy.
  • The Big Bang – Just A Myth?
    Every culture and religion has its own version of creation. But here is the evidence that science offers.
  • بگ بینگمحض ایک نظریہ؟
    ھر ثقافت اور مذھب میں ابتدائے کائنات اور زمین کی تخلیق کے بارے میں اپنے اپنے نظریات پائے جاتے ھیں۔ آئیے دیکھتے ھیں کہ اس بارے میں سائنس کیا کہتی ھے۔
  • Where Is The Centre Of Our Universe?
    A student once asked me if Mecca was where the Big Bang started from. Yes, I said, but Karachi is also the centre.
  • ہماری کائنات کا مرکز کہاں ہے؟
    ایک بار ایک طالب علم نے مجھ سے سوال کیا کہ کیا مکہ مکرمہ وہ مقام تھا، جہاں بگ بینگ واقع ھوا؟ میرا جواب تھا کہ ہاں! مگر اس حساب سے کراچی بھی کائنات کا مرکز بنتا ہے۔
  • How Will Our Universe End?
    Until a decade ago we didn’t know how everything would end. Now, we do – and it’s nothing to look forward to!
  • ہماری کائنات کیسے ختم ہوگی؟
    قریباََ ایک دھائی قبل ھم یقین سے نہیں کہہ سکتے تھے کہ کائنات کیسے ختم ھو گی ۔ مگر اب ھم یہ جانتے ھیں ۔ یہ آخر کیسے ممکن ھوا؟
  • Making Black Holes in Europe?
    Citizens of France and Switzerland are very worried they will be eaten up by a black hole made at CERN. Should they be?
  • کیا زمین پر بلیک ہول بنایا جا سکتا ہے؟
    فرانس اور سوئٹزر لینڈ کے شہری پریشان ہیں کہ کہیں سرن میں بنایا گیا بلیک ہول انہیں ہڑپ نہ کر لے۔ کیا ان کی یہ پریشانی بجا ہے؟
  • Life in Outer Space?
    Over 1000 extrasolar planets have been discovered and there are billions more. What is the chance of finding life?
  • غیر شمسی سیاروں پر زندگی؟
    ابھی تک ایک ھزار سے ذائد ماورائے نظام شمسی سیارے دریافت ھو چکے ھیں، اور ایسے اربوں سیارے ابھی دریافت ھونا باقی ھیں۔ ان میں زندگی کے آثار پائے جانے کے امکانات کتنے ھیں؟
  • Swindles in Science
    A car that would run only on water enthralled Pakistan. How can we save ourselves from such embarrassments in future?
  • سائنس کے ڈبل شاہ
    اس غیر منطقی دعوے نے کہ ایک گاڑی محض پانی پر بھی چل سکتی ھے، پوری پاکستانی قوم کو اپنے شکنجے میں جکڑ لیا۔ ھم مستقبل میں خود کو ایسی کسی شرمندگی سے کیسے محفوظ رکھ سکتے ھیں؟
  • Is America Causing Storms and Earthquakes in Pakistan?
    It is has been alleged that America has developed the means to change weather and Pakistan is among its victims. True?
  • کیا پاکستان میں آنے والے طوفان اور زلزلے امریکہ کے تحفے ہیں؟
    یہ خیال کیا جاتا ھے کہ امریکہ نے ٹیکنالوجی کے ایسے جدید ذرائع حاصل کرلئے ھیں، جس سے موسمیاتی تبدیلیاں لائی جا سکتی ھیں اور یہ کہ پاکستان بھی اس کے شکاروں میں سے ایک ھے۔ کیا یہ بات درست ھے؟
  • Why Ideology?
    Many people never ask, never question. They simply believe. Could this be because of human biology?
  • نظریے کی ضرورت؟
    بیشتر لوگ سوچ بچار نہیں کرتے، اور سوال اٹھانے سے گریزاں رھتے ھیں۔ وہ محض یقین رکھنا جانتے ھیں۔ ایسا کیوں ھے؟
  • A Clash of Civilizations?
    Many think that Islam and the West are at war with each other. True? Let’s have a second look.
  • تہزیبوں کا تصادم؟
    بہت سے لوگوں کا خیال ھے کہ اسلام اور مغرب ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ حالت جنگ میں ھیں۔ کیا یہ سوچ درست ھے؟ آئیے اس کو ایک دوسرے رخ سے دیکھتے ھیں۔
  • Rich Countries and Poor Countries. Why?
    Culture is critical in deciding between poverty and progress. But which aspects of culture?
  • امیر اور غریب ممالکآخر کیوں؟
    غربت اور ترقی کے مابین فیصلہ کن فرق کرنے میں کلچر ایک اھم کردار ادا کرتا ھے۔ آئیے دیکھیں کہ اس ضمن میں کلچر کے کون کون سے پہلو اھم ھیں۔
  • The Downside of Nationalism
    The world is integrated economically and yet torn apart by nationalist fervor. Why? After all, you and I had no choice in choosing our parents or our country.
  • قوم پرستی کے منفی اثرات
    دنیا اقتصادی طور پر مربوط ھونے کے باوجود قوم پرستی کے جذبے سے سرشار نظر آتی ھے۔ ایسا کیوں ھے؟ آخر کار، آپ اورمیں اپنے والدین یا ملک کا انتخاب کرنے کا اختیار نہیں رکھتے۔
  • Nationalist Movements – Good or Bad?
    Thousands have been killed in the separatist struggles against the central authority of various nation states in South Asia. Whose side should one be on?
  • کیا قوم پرست تحریکیں حمایت کی مستحق ہیں؟
    جنوبی ایشیاء میں مختلف اقوام کے ھزاروں لوگ سنٹرل اتھارٹی کے خلاف علیحدگی کی جدوجہد میں مارے جا چکے ھیں۔ ایک فرد کو کس کی طرف داری کرنی چاھئیے۔
  • Scientific Revolution – Why in Europe?
    Chinese, Hindu, and Muslim civilizations produced great scientists but the Scientific Revolution owes to Europe. Why?
  • سائنسی انقلاب یورپ ہی میں کیوں؟
    مسلمان، ھندو اور چین کی تہذیبوں نے بہت سے عظیم سائنسدان پیدا کئے، مگر سائنسی انقلاب یورپ ھی میں برپا ھوا۔ ایسا کیوں ھے؟
  • Religion and Science at War
    Every religion has clashed with science, but the conflict of Christianity with scientific ideas was the most bitter ever. How did science ultimately win that war?
  • مذھب اور سائنس کی جنگ
    ھر مذھب کا سائنس کے ساتھ ٹکڑاؤ ھوتا رھا ھے، مگرعیسائیت اور سائنسی نظریات کا تصادم سب سے ھولناک تھا۔ بالآخر سائنس اس جنگ میں کیسے فتح یاب ھوئی؟
  • Is Our World Just 3-Dimensional?
    Physics requires that our world should be actually 10-dimensional. Why this bizarre claim and why are the other dimensions invisible?
  • کیا ھماری دنیا واقعی سہ جہتی ھے؟
    طبیعات (فزکس) کے مطابق ھماری دنیا اصل میں دس جہتی ھونی چاھئیے۔ یہ عجیب و غریب دعویٰ آخر کس بنیاد پر کیا گیا ھے اور کیا وجہ ھے کہ ان میں سے زیادہ تر جہتیں غیر مرئی ھیں۔
  • What Are They Teaching Non-Muslim Students In Pakistan?
    Violating the constitution, Pakistan’s education system forces Non-Muslim students to learn Islamic teachings in their courses. Presented by Dr. A.H. Nayyar.
  • غیر مسلم بچوں کو پاکستان میں کیا پڑھایا جا رہا ہے؟
    کیا آپ کو معلوم ھے کہ ھمارا موجودہ نظام تعلیم، آئین پاکستان کی خلاف ورزی کرتے ھوئے غیر مسلم بچوں کو پاکستان میں اسلامی دینی تعلیم حاصل کرنے پر مجبور کرتا ھے؟ ٖڈاکٹر عبد الحمید نیر کی پیشکش۔
  • Sending Pakistan to Mars
    India erupted in joy when spacecraft Mangalyaan successfully entered the Martian orbit in late September. Pakistanis may well ask: can we do it too? What will it take?
  • پاکستان مریخ تک کیسے پہنچ سکتا ہے؟
    خلائی جہاز منگلیان کے مریخ کے مدار میں داخل ہونے پر بھارتی خوشی سے جھوم اٹھے۔ پاکستان کے لوگ جاننا چاہتے ہیں کہ کیا وہ بھی مریخ تک پہنچ سکتے ہیں اور اس کے لئے کیا کچھ درکار ہوگا؟
  • How Much Should You Fear Death
    Obsessive fear of death can cause anxiety disorder. A realistic view is necessary if you want to lead a normal and happy life.
  • موت سے کتنا ڈرنا چاھئیے؟
    موت کا خوف اگر حد سے تجاوز کر جائے تو آپ نفسیاتی الجھنوں کا شکار ہو سکتے ہیں۔ ایک معتدل اور مطمئن زندگی گزارنے کے لئے موت کے بارے میں ایک حقیقت پسندانہ تصور ضروری ہے۔
  • The Truth About Abdus Salam (Part One)
    How great a scientist was Abdus Salam? Some vilify him, others praise him excessively. Only facts can tell the truth.
  • ڈاکٹر عبدالسلام، حقیقت کے آئینے میں ۔۔۔ حصہ اول
    ڈاکٹر عبدالسلام کتنے بڑے سائنس دان تھے؟ کچھ لوگ ان کی کردار کشی کرتے ھیں اور کچھ ان کی بے حد تعریف۔ حقائق کی بنیاد پر ھی ان کے رتبے کا تعین ھو سکتا ھے۔
  • The Truth About Abdus Salam (Part Two)
    Abdus Salam often said his science was inspired by the Quran. So what inspired his atheist contemporary, Steven Weinberg?
  • ڈاکٹر عبدالسلام، حقیقت کے آئینے میں ۔۔۔ حصہ دوئم
    عبد السلام نے اکثر اظہار کیا کہ ان کی سائنسی فکر قرآن پاک کی تعلیمات سے متاثر ھے۔ سوال یہ ھے کہ ان کے ھم عصر ملحد سائنسدان سٹیون وائن برگ کس سے متاثر تھے؟
  • The Truth About Abdus Salam (Part Three)
    Abdus Salam was reputedly a man of peace. But doesn’t Pakistan’s atomic bomb owe to him?
  • ڈاکٹر عبدالسلام، حقیقت کے آئینے میں ۔۔۔ حصہ سوئم
    لوگ کہتے ھیں کہ عبد السلام امن پرست تھے۔ لیکن کیا پاکستان کا ایٹم بم ان کا مرھون نہیں؟
  • Making Solar Electricity
    Let’s have a quick tour of how the solar electricity is produced, stored and used. Also take a look at its advantages and some of the problems.
  • شمسی بجلی
    آئیے دیکھتے ھیں کہ شمسی بجلی کیسے پیدا کی، زخیرہ کی اور استعمال میں لائی جاتی ھے؛ اس کے فوائد اور اس سے منسلک مسائل کیا ھیں؟

A joint Urdu dubbing project of Mashal Books and the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education with generous support from Nasser Ahmad.


From cosmological mysteries to contemporary politics, from laws of physics to unsolved equations of mathematics, learn everything about the world you live in and beyond, with renowned scientist and educationist, Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, on his weekly radio show “Pervez Hoodbhoy kay Saath”. Produced by Yasir Qazi.


  • صبین زندہ ھے (نظم)۔
    خالد علوی اور زہیرعالم قدوائی کا انسانی حقوق کی سرگرم کارکن صبین محمود کے نام شعری خراج عقیدت، جنہیں 24 اپریل کو کراچی میں شہید کر دیا گیا۔
  • ہلکی نیلی دنیا (کارل ساگان)۔
    کارل ساگان کی کتاب سےایک اقتباس۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ آواز: زہیر عالم قدوائی، اردو ترجمہ: نزہت قدوائی۔


  • Abdus Salam: Ansar Abbasi’s Lies Refuted By Dr. A.H. Nayyar
    The Editor Investigation of a leading daily, Ansar Abbasi, reacts to the Prime Minister’s decision of renaming National Centre for Physics at Islamabad’s Quaid-i-Azam University after Dr. Abdus Salam, and frames him of false accusations in his controversial column. Dr. A.H. Nayyar refutes him. Also, watch a television debate with him here. Guests: Dr. A.H. Nayyar, Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Javed Jabbar and Ansar Abbsi. Host: Owais Touheed, Capital TV, 10th December 2016. (Language: Urdu)
  • A Lecture on Gravitational Waves by Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy
    Pervez Hoodbhoy speaking at Lahore Astronomical Society about recent detection of Gravitational Waves. Zeds Astronomical Observatory, Lahore, Pakistan. 23rd February, 2016.
  • Are India and Pakistan Alike?
    Keynote speech of Pervez Hoodbhoy at Karachi Literature Festival 2016. He talks about the growing anti-science sentiment and irrationality in both Pakistan and India.
  • Are Islam and Science Compatible?
    Can Islam and Science go together and Muslims embark upon a new scientific awakening? Round table discussion of Muslim World Science Initiative, 2016.
  • A Talk With Pervez Hoodbhoy
    Why is rationality ignored in our debates? Do you expect another Dr. Abdus Salam to born in these lands? Any good expectations from the youth of Pakistan? and other questions.
  • Did India Cause 2010 Floods?
    In the book ironically titled ‘Reality of Floods in Pakistan’, the author claims that there is documentary proof of India causing floods in Pakistan. Here’s a public debate upon it.
  • Evolution and its Religious Integration
    Many in the Muslim world reject evolution, while there are others who accept it. Salman Hameed shares his views on the importance of evolution and its religious integration. Speaker: Salman Hameed.
  • Gravitational Waves — A Public Lecture by Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy
    Organized by Theoretical High Energy Physics & Cosmology Group (THEPC). Lecture delivered on 26th February, 2016. Venue: Earth Sciences Auditorium, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • How do Muslims View Science and Evolution
    Let’s take a look at the reception of science in the Islamic world and how Muslims view the relationship between science and religion. Speaker: Salman Hameed.
  • How Muslims Lost Their Way
    Yesterday’s achievements were golden; today, reason has been eclipsed. How Muslims lost their way? A discussion between Pervez Hoodbhoy and Baland Iqbal.
  • Inside The Brain Dr. Russell J. Andrews in conversation with Pervez Hoodbhoy
    Russell J. Andrews, a neurosurgeon affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center, talks about the techniques to help us better understand the human brain in his conversation with Pervez Hoodbhoy.
  • Junaid Jamshed, Tableeghi Jama’at and Existential Crisis
    A thought oriented discussion between Dr. Baland Iqbal and Dr. Khalid Sohail on the existential crisis where an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether one’s life has any meaning, purpose, or value. Program: Password
  • Justice For Mashal Khan
    Savagery unleashed upon Mashal Khan reminds us of medieval brutality. What should we do to get out of this Muslim age of darkness?
  • Living with the Bomb
    “The issue today is whether we can rethink our practice of keeping the peace by threatening Armageddon,” asks the Nobel laureate, John Polanyi, in his TEDx speech.
  • The Legacy of Eqbal Ahmad — Stuart Schaar on his Biography
    Danny Postel interviews Stuart Schaar about his book Eqbal Ahmad: Critical Outsider in a Turbulent Age, a biography of one of the major anti-colonial thinkers of the 20th century.
  • Theoretical Physics: The Grand Issues A Conversation
    What are the grand questions of physics today? A discussion with 4 eminent physicists who visited Islamabad in November 2015.
  • The Rise of Unreason TEDx Islamabad
    Once evidence becomes irrelevant, everything becomes possible. Speaker: Pervez Hoodbhoy.
  • When Evidence is Powerless
    Empirical evidence doesn’t always convince people. Salman Hameed dives into the ineffectiveness of hard proof and asserts that the path toward progress includes being sensitive to how others believe.
  • Zia Mian — 20 Years 20 Voices
    Zia Mian, Director of Project on Peace and Security in South Asia at Princeton University, asks “Do you want to be defended by mass murder?”
  • ملک کی نامور درسگاھوں میں توھمات پر مبنی مباحثوں کا رجحان
    اس کے مضمرات کیا ھو سکتے ھیں اور اس کا سد باب کیسے ممکن ھے؟ پروگرام: “ھم سب”، کیپیٹل ٹی وی، 22 اکتوبر 2015۔ میزبان: ماہ رخ قریشی، مہمان: پرویز ھود بھائی۔
  • کیا مدارس جہالت زدہ سوچ کو فروغ دے رھے ھیں؟
    کیا وفاقی وزیر پرویز رشید کا یہ بیان کہ مدارس جہالت زدہ سوچ کو فروغ دے رھے ھیں، درست ھے؟ پرویز ھود بھائی، مفتی نعیم اور رانا ثناء اللہ کے مابین مباحثہ۔
  • درسی کتب اور تعلیمی نصاب
    کیا پاکسان کا تعلیمی نظام فکری آزادی او سوال کرنے کے حق کی حوصلہ شکنی کرتا ہے؟ پروگرام: بیانیہ (نیا فرماں کوئی اترے)، میزبان: تنزیلہ مظہر٘ شرکائے گفتگو: ڈاکٹر عبدالحمید نیر، مشرف زیدی، ڈاکٹر مختار احمد، ڈاکٹر وسیمہ شہزاد



  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode I
    کیا نفسیاتی عارضے نظر انداز کرنا درست عمل ھے؟ ڈپریشن کا علاج کیوں ضروری ھے؟ ایک صحت مند اور خوش گوار زندگی کا قیام کیسے ممکن ھے؟
  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode II
    Dr. Khalid Sohail explains what is bipolar disorder and how to deal with such a situation if extreme anxiety leads to suicidal thoughts.
  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode III
    Dr. Khalid Sohail explains what is panic disorder, phobia, post traumatic and obsessive compulsive disorder and how to deal with them.
  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode IV
    Dr. Khalid Sohail explains what is schizophrenia, how it can be diagnosed and treated.
  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode V
    Dr. Khalid Sohail explains what is personality disorder, how it can be diagnosed and treated. Hosted by Dr. Baland Iqbal.
  • Happy and Healthy Living – Episode VI
    In this episode, Dr. Khalid Sohail explains Green Zone Therapy – a tool to facilitate awareness of self communication with others. He proposes three zones of living: Green, Yellow and Red. This visual metaphor of traffic lights provides an easy anchor point to categorize and work upon one’s emotional states. Hosted by Dr. Baland Iqbal.
  • Love, Creativity And Spirituality | A Discussion
    Does Creativity get killed by monotonous and mindless work, does spirituality get killed by organized religion and does love get killed by marriage? An interesting discussion. Guests: Jawaid A. Siddiqi and Dr. Khalid Sohail.

Is there life elsewhere in the universe? How did our Solar System form? Are there black holes at the centre of galaxies? How long do stars live? These are just some of the questions that “Science ka Adda” (Cafe Scientifique) and its host, Dr. Salman Hameed, seeks to address.
  • Episode 1: Where Is Our Home Located In The Universe?
    Salman Hameed reflects on the location of the Earth in the universe with respect to our Solar system & local supercluster of galaxies.
  • Episode 2: The Reality Of Black Holes
    Do such black holes exists in the universe as shown in the recent blockbuster film, Interstellar? Let’s explore such a possibility.
  • Episode 3: ater and the Search for Life on Mars
    Water on the Red Planet has long been sought by researchers. If Mars holds water, it might even hold life.
  • Episode 4: Exploring Baby Solar Systems to Search for Our Own Origins
    Salman Hameed talks about the discovery of a “protoplanetary disk” that can tell us a lot about the origins of our own solar system.
  • Episode 5: The Arabian Nights and Water Geysers on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
    Why is there a crater named Sinbad on Saturn’s moon Enceladus? Is there an underwater ocean on Enceladus and what are the chances of life existing on such a moon? In this episode of Science ka Adda (SkA), Salman Hameed talks about the connection between “The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights” and one of the most mysterious, interesting, and puzzling objects in our solar system.
  • Episode 6: Who owns Mars
    Salman Hameed looks at United Nations Outer Space Treaty and explores the question: If we discover microbial life on Mars, will we then have a right to be on “their” planet and alter their future?
  • Episode 7: Pluto – A New World – Again!
    Salman Hameed examines some of the latest pictures from New Horizons spacecraft and talks about the mysteries that these pictures have opened up in our understanding of Pluto. And of course, he reaffirms his absolute support for redesignating Pluto as a planet!
  • Episode 8: How the Idea of Extraterrestrials Became Scientific?
    In this episode of Science ka Adda, Salman Hameed ponders on the possibility of aliens on other worlds.
  • Episode 9: Urdu Floating at the Edge of Our Solar System
    There is a greeting in Urdu that is floating in space more than 19 billion kilometers from Earth! How did it get there? Is it at the edge of our solar system? For that matter, how do we even figure out the boundaries of our own solar system?
  • Episode 10: Cosmic Recycling Anticipating a Glorious Death of our Sun
    Our Sun has been a constant source of energy for the past 4.5 billion years but it will eventually run out of fuel (in about 5 billion years). While this will be bad for the inhabitants of the Earth (and probably for inhabitants of any other planet in our Solar system), this solar demise will be spectacularly beautiful. We know this by looking at the end stages of other stars in our Galaxy. Let’s talk about the future of our own Sun.
  • Episode 11: Stars in Our Life
    In this episode, we talk about the fact that our bodies are constructed from elements that were processed inside stars or in the earliest few minutes after the Big Bang. Let’s talk about the role of stars in the making of life on our planet.
  • Episode 12: Look at the Farthest Galaxy in the Universe (yet) Discovered
    Our universe had a beginning 13.8 billion years ago. We now live in the Milky Way galaxy. But what were the earliest galaxies like? Astronomers can directly look at these young galaxies by looking farther out in space.
  • Episode 13: Ibn Sina and the Supernova of Year 1006
    In the year 1006 C.E. Ibn-Sina observed a bright new star appear in the night sky. He diligently took notes as the star faded over the next 3 months. This was a supernova. Ibn-Sina did not know its nature, but his notes are shedding new light into the nature of these exploding stars!
  • Episode 14: A Planet Around Our Neighboring Star Proxima Centauri
    Humans have always dreamt of traveling to other stars. Now we have a destination. Astronomers have found a planet, slightly bigger than the Earth, around a star only 4 light years away. Furthermore, the planet is in the “Habitable Zone” of its star, meaning that it is orbiting its star at a distance where water can exist in liquid form!
  • Episode 15: The Mysterious Star
    Alien technology? No, well probably not! Nevertheless, “Tabby’s Star” is currently one of the most mysterious stars in the universe. Astronomers are having a hard time explaining its behavior, at least with what we know from astronomy. But this is also a great example of how scientists approach an unusual phenomenon with imagination, creativity, and a healthy dose of skepticism.
  • Episode 16: Three Earth Sized Planets Around A Nearby Star
    Astronomers have so far found a few thousand planets around stars other than the Sun. But in order to search for life, they are looking for planets that are similar to Earth in size and at such a distance from their star where water can stay in liquid form. About forty light years away, there is a small star Trappist 1 that hosts at least 3 earth sized planets with their orbits in the “Habitable Zone”.

“Hamarai Kainaat” (Our Universe) is an Urdu Podcast about Astronomy, published by Dr. Salman Hameed and Umair Asim. One of the main purposes of this podcast in Urdu is to share the knowledge about our Universe to anyone relating to any walk of life in Pakistan and beyond.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 1)
    Topic: Latest findings of the most earth-like planets found yet and extrasolar planets in general. Podcast published by Umair Asim and Dr Salman Hameed.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 2)
    In this episode, Dr. Salman Hameed and Umair Asim talk about the latest news of 5 rocky planets found in very ancient ‘solar system’ and more.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 3)
    Topic: Triple Transit on Planet Jupiter in January 2015, the importance of Jupiter in our solar system and some of its historical background.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 4)
    Topic: The recent outburst of a binary star system, U Geminorum, which became 100 times brighter than usual. What is U Geminorum and why it became so bright?
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 5)
    In this episode, we answer your submitted questions. We talk about protoplanetary disks, end of the Universe, expansion of the Universe, history of Sun-centered and Geo-centered model of the ‘Universe’, importance of Astrophotography in Astronomy and the efforts of amateur astronomers for popularizing Astronomy in Pakistan.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 6)
    In this episode, we talk about a recent nova that happened in the constellation Sagittarius; What is a nova? What are the processes that make it happen? What are the different types of novae? What is Chandrasekhar limit and why it is so important to understand white dwarf in a nova?
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 7)
    In this episode, we talk about stars: How did we first know the nature of stars in the night sky? What amazing knowledge spectroscopy of starlight has given to us? What different colors of stars can tell us about their physical properties?
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 8)
    In this episode, we discuss how to learn about different types of stars on H-R Diagram, and how to know the life cycle of any star by looking at its place on H-R Diagram.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 9)
    In this episode, we discuss the latest news of water on Mars and its implications.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 10)
    In this episode, we talk about the new findings of exoplanets’ possibility in globular clusters and what impact it can make on any possible alien life in the system.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 11)
    In this episode, we talk about the recent finding on Planet X and discuss how credible it is.
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 12)
    Let’s talk about ‘Gravitational Waves.’ What are these waves? How they are produced? How did we detect it? and What is coming in the future?
  • Hamari Kainat (Urdu Podcast, Ep # 13)
    In this episode, we talk about our own galaxy, Milky way. Where are we in our galaxy? What are the constituents of Milky way and what is the future of it?



EACPE seeks to empower individuals to make reasoned choices. The nature of the modern economy, which requires individuals to now behave very differently, certainly needs to be explained in simple terms. Here we are hosting the series “Bachat Kyun?” (Why saving?) by Mr. Nasim Beg for informational purpose and education of our visitors.
  • Part 1: Why should one save?
    It talks about an average salaried person and why he needs to save in the world today. To make it simpler, Mr. Nasim Beg gives examples on the necessity of savings.
  • Part 2: Objectives of Saving
    In this video you will learn about various objectives to save. These objectives are told in detail and examples are given of how much to save now in order to reach your target a few years later.
  • Part 3: Investment considerations for retirement
    In this video you will learn about how to save for retirement and why it is important to save for ones retirement. These reason to save are explained and examples are given of how one should save and where they should save.
  • Part 4: Options for savings in Pakistan
    This video discuss the various options available for a person to invest in, along with the pros and cons of each option.
  • Part 5: How to rate the investment options
    In this video you will learn about how to rate different savings options, difference between national saving bonds and mutual funds, how does an individual invest? The various asset classes and their performance history will also be discussed.
  • Part 6: Asset classes available for individuals
    In this video you will learn about asset classes for investments and how to choose the asset classes.
  • Part 7: What are debt instruments and their examples?
    In this video you will learn about introduction to debt instruments, risks involved in debt instruments, valuation of debt instruments and impact of Inflation on debt instruments.
  • Part 8: What is equity?
    In this video you will learn about investing in equity, ways of investing in equity, equity investment – Stock market or mutual funds.
  • Part 9: Investment considerations for equity investors
    In this video you will learn about investment considerations for equity investors, factors influencing the share prices and impact of historical rates on the share prices.
  • Part 10: How to estimate the target selling price of equity?
    In this video you will learn about concerns of equity investors, what is stop loss price, legal process of complaining If investor is losing money, recovery strategy if share prices goes down, shareholder’s decision making authorities after investing, can a shareholder acquire all shares of a company, targets set by shareholders/investors and how does rupee cost averaging helps an investor.
  • Part 11: What is the right time for saving? In this video you will learn about benefits of savings in time, investing in Govt. bonds, investing in money markets, voluntary pension schemes, and the conclusion.


To enable students to learn this beautiful subject with zero or minimal assistance.
(More units will be added one by one. Stay connected.)

Click here to download the contents and instructions for this series of 8 self-learning lectures by Pervez Hoodbhoy.

Click here to download the contents and instructions for this series of 30 self-learning lectures by Pervez Hoodbhoy.

Click here for accompanying Notes for Video Lectures (1-45) below:

A total of 34 entries were received. The following two are judged to be the best:
1. A House of Smoke – by Junaid Aslam
2. Don Akhbar – by Kamran Shahnawaz
As per terms advertised here, they have received a cash award of Rs. 200,000 and Rs. 100,000 respectively at the award ceremony at the Karachi Literature Festival, as well as their work was screened there on 10th February, 2018.
For helping to decide between various entries, the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education and Getz Pharma (Pvt) Ltd gratefully acknowledge the time and effort spent by the following reviewers: Maheen Zia, Khusro Mumtaz and Nadeem Farooq Paracha.

A total of 13 entries were received. The following three were judged to be the winners:
1. Boltay Kyun Nahi Meray Haq Mein – by Media 6 (Farnood Alam, Faisal Raza)
2. Littering is Not Allowed Here – by Javaria Waseem
3. Quaid-i-Azam University ki Zameen par Qabza – by Lahore TV (Maria Rubab, Farhat Abbas Shah)
As per terms advertised here, these three winning entries will be awarded cash prizes of Rupees 75000, 50000 and 50000 respectively, and their work shall be screened at the Karachi Literature Festival on 12th February, 2017.
For helping to decide between various entries, the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education gratefully acknowledges the time and effort spent by the following reviewers: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Nadeem F. Paracha, and Sarmad Khoosat.

A total of 12 entries were received. The following three were judged to be the best:
1. Sobbing Sea – by Azhar Shan and Ayoub Mallah
2. How to Prepare for an Earthquake? – by Maria Rubab
3. Future – by Bilal Ismat
As per terms advertised here, these three winning entries will be awarded cash prizes of Rupees 75000, 50000 and 50000 respectively, and their work shall be screened at the Karachi Literature Festival on 7th February, 2016.
For helping to decide between various entries, the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education gratefully acknowledges the time and effort spent by the following reviewers: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Mira Sethi, and Ali Faisal Zaidi.

A total of 22 entries were received, some of high quality. The following three were judged to be the best:
1. I Exist – by Faryal Malik
2. Kalabagh Dam Is Not The Solution – Alizeh Kohari
3. Dastan-e-Zainab – by Azhar Shan and Ayoub Mallah
As per terms advertised here, each of the above three shall receive a cash award of rupees one lakh, and their work shall be screened at the Karachi Literature Festival on 8 February, 2015.
For helping to decide between various entries, the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education gratefully acknowledges the time and effort spent by the following reviewers: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Sabeen Mahmud, and Hasan Zaidi.
EACPE may contact some other contestants for permission to host their videos on Such entries would be eligible for participation in a future contest.