A House of Smoke | WINNER: EACPE Video Contest 2017
A film by Junaid Aslam and Montasir Imran Khan
A film by Junaid Aslam and Montasir Imran Khan
The Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education (EACPE) seeks to foster the use of science and reason to understand nature and society and so better enable all citizens of Pakistan to participate fully in the political, social, economic, and cultural life of their society; to exercise their democratic rights and responsibilities; to value human rights, democracy and the rule of law; to promote cultural and religious diversity; to raise awareness of global issues and the natural environment; and to advance the goals of international peace and justice.
EACPE is named to honour the life and work of distinguished Pakistani academic, activist, and public intellectual, Dr. Eqbal Ahmad.
“The EACPE record is very impressive, and hopeful — a rarity these days. About the webpage (design), I don’t have anything useful to say. Have little experience that’s relevant. To me personally, the range and choice of topics is appealing and impressive. I can’t think of any useful way to improve it.”
— Noam
(Received on 5th May, 2017. As a member of the EACPE board, Professor Noam Chomsky was asked to suggest how to improve our main page)
No doubt the video quality, editing and and overall composition of this video is quite good. I congratulate the winners for their hard work. But this is not documentary! … this is fiction work and fiction only fits in short and feature movies. The EACPE video contest was of DOCUMENTARY. There is huge difference between a Documentary and Movie. The outcome of whole competition, on the basis of this ground, is thus unjustified.
I respectfully disagree with you.
It was the VIDEO contest, and making a documentary was not mandatory. Short films were also eligible for the contest.
Here is the actual announcement: https://eacpe.org/video-contest-2017/
@voiceofken: Thank you for visiting our website and leaving your comment.
As Aroma has already mentioned, it was a Video Contest, and documentaries and short films both were allowed. It was clearly mentioned in our official announcement as well.
I hope it will clarify the confusion, and now you will consider the result as justified.
Thank you and best wishes.
– Admin
Nice and touching video. Its so deplorable how humans are damaging the mother earth.
What is considersd human progress is actually human stupidity.