Aik Din Geo Kay Sath – Pervez Hoodbhoy

پاکستان کے ممتاز ماہر تعلیم اور دانشور، ڈاکٹر پرویز ہود بھائی، جیو ٹی وی کے شہرت یافتہ پروگرام ’’ایک دن جیو کے ساتھ‘‘ میں۔


  1. I was not much aware this person before but when i came to know about Dr sahab he appears to be simple, common, straightforward human..
    You will hardly see person like him in Pakistan

  2. Wonderfull interview, this man ,after going through his interview, looks to be a source of inspiration for all of us. The best thing I found in him was his long term thinking about the disasters which a nuclear weapon can bring.we pakistani need the people like dr pervez hoodbhoy.


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