Understandably the Professor is hurt. Even I am feeling a tinge of tears in my eyes. Aristotle had to drink poison in the end. For a nation of philistines, more keen to learn which nostril to pour water into first or whether ankles are to be covered or elbows tilted during prayers…it is no surprise. It is nation’s loss. For a man who drives around in a FX …..he obviously has nothing to loose….I have never met Hoodbhoy Sahab but been a follower of him all my life….people like him are national treasures……it just he was born in the wrong place .
I was not your student but still it is painful to hear your story.
I saw you in Forman Christian College and feell sad when i see thie building of this.college.
I wish you were there.
Understandably the Professor is hurt. Even I am feeling a tinge of tears in my eyes. Aristotle had to drink poison in the end. For a nation of philistines, more keen to learn which nostril to pour water into first or whether ankles are to be covered or elbows tilted during prayers…it is no surprise. It is nation’s loss. For a man who drives around in a FX …..he obviously has nothing to loose….I have never met Hoodbhoy Sahab but been a follower of him all my life….people like him are national treasures……it just he was born in the wrong place .
I was not your student but still it is painful to hear your story.
I saw you in Forman Christian College and feell sad when i see thie building of this.college.
I wish you were there.
Nice suggestions of learned professor.