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As the sun makes its way through the dense clouds and throws its light of peace on the war torn region of Afghanistan. The progress that has brought us to this moment stands to improve the lives of not only Afghans, but of millions breathing in the region. It will benefit the region as a whole, though Pakistan is the country who would get most of the benefit from peace in Afghanistan.

For decades the perception remained that Pakistan treats Afghanistan for its ‘strategic depth’. This perception might be true or not but Afghanistan should now be seen as a path of regional integration and economic connectivity. Once known as the heart of Silk Road in Asia, the region has been crippled by the dangerous fear-based logic. This logic assumes that a strong and thriving Afghanistan would extend the influence of India and encourage Pashtun populations living in Pakistan’s border areas to push for borders to be officially redrawn as discussed by Roya Rahmani in an interview to CNN.

Equilibrium should be shifted to promote peace and help preserving the democracy in Afghanistan.

There is a better way around. The peace plan should be a corridor to gain a commitment of the entire establishment of Pakistan. Equilibrium should be shifted to promote peace and help preserving the democracy in Afghanistan. The most hungry for peace, Afghanis and the traditional national assembly known as loya jirga or a grand assembly convened to settle issues and gave mandate to peace. The Afghan unity government is committed to this mandate, and regional connectivity is a key pillar of the roadmap to peace. This plan seems to transform into reality. The power corridors of Islamabad seem reluctant with establishment and government on same page and want war go packing. The expanding trade and transit opportunities through increased rail connections. The supporting rapid technological advancement through the open access policy for fiber optics networks launched in 2016. Moving forward on construction of the extensive Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, peace in Afghanistan will prosper the region. No country stands to benefit from this plan as much as Pakistan. At the verge of serious economic crisis, balloted economy of Pakistan has been hampered badly due to non-connectivity in the region.

According to a World Bank report of 2018, energy sector of Pakistan was hit badly due to serious inefficiencies. It costs the economy a whopping $18 billion, or 6.5% of its GDP. Report also said that up to 50 million natives do not have access to electricity and shortage during peak hours is about 24%. Gas shortages of the country also plays role in this dilemma. Pakistan natural gas needs could be met through TAPI gas pipeline. It is projected to annually transport 33 billion cubic meters of gas.

Prosperity and industrial growth alongside education is needed to overcome sociopolitical imbalance in Afghanistan.

Pakistan industry could also get a boost due to rail linkage with Central Asia. The inefficient current transportation connection is costly, especially since Pakistan is one of the Uzbekistan’s largest trading partner in the region. The cotton for textile industry of Pakistan contributes 60% of country’s exports. Cotton is imported mainly from Uzbekistan. The bilateral trade volume between Pakistan and Uzbekistan could be increased by direct trade through Afghanistan. European markets will also be wide open by the newly inaugurated Lapis Lazuli corridor. The corridor connects Afghanistan to Turkey via Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

This is the historical moment where peace is in demand badly by all the power hungers. Prosperity and industrial growth alongside education is the only solution bringing back peace in Afghanistan. Economy of Pakistan trapped in the deep wild sea could be set to the shore by regional connectivity and strategic importance, which Afghanistan holds. This opportunity must be seized to cast aside the flux of harmful dynamics and build prosperous future for the region where progress is the only outcome.

Written by Ali Asad Sabir


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