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At the time of writing this article, the semester has just run off in Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU). Almost all the students have gone back to their ‘villages’ but for the short interval of time. Though the time is short, spreading over not more than a month, but not that much short for the university’s administration to implement or at least pave the way for the implementation of vicious policies. Without any doubt, administration is powerful enough to take any brutish decision, but it will think twice before flying anti to the interest of the students.
Why is it so? It is not because that the administration consists of students’ friendly creatures but the history of resistance by students, organized under the umbrella of their respective councils, is one of the reasons that has redefined the limits for administration. Better, if not best!
This could be one of the reasons that administration conspires against the councils and wants them divided. Administration wants the monopoly, indeed. That is why the formation of Quaidian Scholars’ Society (QSS) is not an exceptional case. Likewise, the recent wave for the establishment of Hazara Students’ Council by dividing Pakhtoons’ Students’ Council (PSC) is also not a divine phenomenon.
In a nutshell, Pakhtoons’ Students’ Council (PSC) believes in passive-aggressive and non-violent politics within university’s premise.
Why PSC is on their hit list? In a nutshell, PSC believes in passive-aggressive and non-violent politics within university’s premise. The purpose is to safeguard the ‘under threat’ rights of the students. It has also taken the responsibility on its shoulders of bringing various crisis-like issues to the limelight that are being faced by Pakhtoons back home. Praiseworthy!
The issues that PSC has, so far, brought to the forefront reveals its academic know-how as well as the much better understanding of exploitative and imperialistic politico-economic structures.
Furthermore, if we keep the exceptions aside, rest of the members of PSC adhere to the teachings of Bacha Khan that revolve around non-violence. To be non-violent does not mean rendering the utmost subjugation before the hegemonic designs but playing peaceful resistance to counter such designs is also the part and parcel of non-violence. Pakhtoons believe that violence breeds violence while life is in resistance. They preach that for almost five decades their region has faced the wrath of violence because they lacked the meaningful resistance. Therefore, they think the peaceful struggle for constitutionally guaranteed yet denied rights is the only reliable option. PSC replicates this narrative of peace in QAU.
PSC is trying its best to pursue its progressive agenda through peace walks, protests, awareness campaigns via social media and seminars. As PSC’s each initiative is worth mentioning but due to the shortage of time and space, we will unfold only few of these.
The militarization and securitization/surveillance of campuses, at one or another pretext, has not remained hidden from the PSC’s eye. So, for the sake of awareness, PSC threw the peace-walk into motion. Nothing can justify militarization. No sane and serious opinion has so far surfaced in favor of militarization. As for as securitization is concerned, the psychological impact of such measures on the minds of students are devastating. On one hand it injects in mind the fear of invisible and invincible power(s) while on the other hand it reinforces the hegemonic structure that in turn strengthen the powers of status quo. Consequently, the majority remains oppressed.
PSC is trying its best to pursue its progressive agenda through peace walks, protests, awareness campaigns via social media and seminars.
Moreover, constitution is the supreme law of the land, but things are acutely different in case of Pakistan. What a handful of powerful people say is the law. Isn’t it an anarchy? Under such circumstances, how one can think of popular welfare when everything done directly or indirectly benefits those who are in power. Any voice that sheds light on this gross injustice is then met with an iron fist. The old and sophisticated tactic of propaganda against and labeling that voice as traitorous has become the routine business. Propaganda comes first before throwing that voice behind bars. In turn, frustration along with misery is dancing hither and thither in the land of pure. This constitutional crisis has also been highlighted by PSC. Another feather in its cap!
Keep the constitutional rights aside, humans are born with some inalienable rights and neither the state nor any of its institution is entitled to withdraw them, come what may! If these natural rights are denied, this phenomenon should be questioned, and the rights be snatched forcefully. PSC on International Human Rights Day covered the brutalities of state in Pakhtoon’s region. The blunders committed by the state and their aftermaths have also been highlighted. For the sake of overcoming the aftermaths of these ‘intentional and calculated’ blunders, the destruction by the state in every nook and corner of the region is shamelessly termed as “collateral damage”. Thankfully! PSC showed the courage for resistance.
When it comes to university’s administration, same goes on. Either if it is the unavailability of proper medical facilities at medical center or it is fee hike or it is about the allotment(s) of and in hostels or the drive for the demolition of QAU’s asset (huts) by CDA or it is an attempt of murder on one of the Quaidian within campus premise, PSC stood firm and compelled administration to follow PSC’s suit.
PSC’s has also rejected the longstanding narrative that Pakhtoons are a martial race. This narrative has squeezed the purpose of Pakhtoon’s existence only to die in wars, that fom any angle were not theirs. After digging hundreds and thousands of graves, either before (when one is magically disappeared) or after one’s death, they hugged the fair understanding that history as well as its unscientific interpretations need to be reviewed, condemned and then scientifically corrected. For this to achieve, a seminar was arranged by PSC that shed light on the teachings of the prophet of non-violence i.e. Bacha Khan. The prophet who is very much relevant even today. Bacha Khani pakar daa!
The Pakhtoon of 21st century thinks differently, different from what it used to, and PSC clear depicts this. This process is, at all, unstoppable. In each progressive academic activity of Pakistan’s number one university, Pakhtoons stand higher and above all. Discussion with even an ordinary Pakhtoon never goes futile. Such has been revealed onto them not only from the books and literature but the circumstances in which they opened their eyes taught them so. It would not be wrong if we say that circumstances brought their enemies in front of them. Thus, the unity of Pakhtoon youth under non-violent PTM is the direct fruit of this thought. With consistent struggle for peace and resistance against imperial powers, they want to ensure peace and prosperity for their generations to come.
Those other than Pakhtoons, who are not the party in this sacred struggle albeit criticize the initiatives for no logical reasons, will also taste the fruits of this struggle. Hope, resistance and consistent struggle can guarantee the good days. Such, when achieved, will not be a lesser revolution.
Victory to Democratic Forces!
Long Live the Resistance!
Long Live the Revolution!
About the Author:

Haider Nisar Swati is M.Phil scholar in National Institute of Pakistan Studies (NIPS), Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad. He is also rendering his service for Gandhara Journal of Research in Social Sciences (GJRSS) as Assistant Editor.
He can be accessed at haider.n911@gmail.com
Its a good piece of writing. Waiting for Pashtun Tahafuz Movement to become Poor Tahfuz Movement. Its time to unite all the oppressed!