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The world has changed; so, does the definition of success for the students in this post-crisis world. Institutions need to create spaces for students to achieve their meaning of achievements. While an institution’s success is gauged by the number of graduates it produces every year; students’ success depends upon whether they have the right training to perform in the professional world. For a long time now in Pakistan, institutes are blamed for only serving their interests without equipping their students with the right skillset giving them financial independence, etiquette and learning behaviour.

This generated a vacuum – filled by Motivational speakers, Influencers, TikTokers, E-commerce gurus who are seen on social media relegating the importance of degree programmes in the universities, calling formal education a farce, advising students to spend time and money instead in learning skills for swift financial gains. Jobless degree holders work as a catalyst to support this stance.

Instant gratification, glamour and returns are what enable the message of these content creators seep seamlessly into the impressionable mind of the youth who are promised endless opportunities without even given a hint of what they are missing – precious time of their youth to develop their personalities, vision, social intelligence and analytical abilities inside the classrooms.

In the post-pandemic world, change is silently sweeping the education sector of Pakistan where students like in developed countries will be responsible for paying for their university education instead of their parents like in the past. Universities must realise that in the changing socio-economic scenarios, success for students now may be more than knowledge and degrees. They want to be socially responsible, financially independent and be able to contribute to solving complex problems in society – all that is claimed to be achieved once they become a TikTok star.

Think of a student in the US who works as a carpenter during the day to support his degree and is only able to take time out during the weekends and evenings with his staggering schedule for work. He manages to continue his education only because the institutes offer him face to face, distant, remote, online and offline learning facilities. He can pick the time, space, even mode of examination as per his convenience. What a similar guy will do in Pakistan? Start a YouTube channel? Become a TikToker? All without any training?

In Pakistan, unfortunately, educational institutions are only as flexible as a fat man in a yoga class! Courses offered by these institutes have outdated curriculums, lack hands-on training, and are rigid in terms of time and space. They adapt to new trends at a snail’s speed. E-commerce, online content creation, cryptocurrency, blockchain and cyber-security are emerging fields but are hardly offered by leading universities in the countries.

With no formal training, skills and educational background, the youth in Pakistan can hardly meet the international standards of these latest skills needed in the world. Also, on a platform like Upwork, Fiver and Amazon most do not perform well because of their superficial knowledge and aversion to research and development. The youth needs grooming. Period. Universities must provide it even if for being a TikToker.

It is high time for institutes in Pakistan to shun ‘one size fits all’ practice and emphasise acknowledging the individuality of the students. Focusing on the academic involvement of the students includes where the students are coming from and the career path they choose for themselves. Flexibility is pertinent.

It is high time for institutes in Pakistan to emphasise acknowledging the individuality of the students.

There must be more alternative pathways and credit to job and degree for students for their future, including prior learning assessments, micro-credentialing, competency-based education and badging. With a changing labour market, students must experience a relevant and inclusive curriculum, gain skills of the future and now, and be provided experiential learning opportunities. The equity-minded lens approach is essential. Students are participating in learning activities from various locations: libraries, classrooms, dorm rooms, parent’s houses, crowded apartments, cafes or workplaces.

The pandemic highlighted the basic needs gaps for students and the importance of social connection. Institutions need to ensure security including housing, food, jobs, transportation and technology through appropriate funding and support, including emergency loans, affordable tuition, free texts and course materials.

There is a dire need to move forward towards sustainable educational institutions and a robust learning system that focuses on skill-based learning, enabling students to be financially independent and socially responsible to be able to contribute to their families, society, country and the world. It’s time for a class!

Source: The Express Tribune

About the Author

Muhammad Ali Falak is a Fulbright PhD candidate at Texas A&M University and graduated from The University of Tokyo. He has worked at different positions in Pakistan, Japan and the USA. His work experience includes teaching in universities, research, consultancy and project management and several other businesses. He is also serving as a Senator in the Graduate Professional Student Government at Texas A&M University. Visit his Linkedin page here.


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