Kalabagh Dam is Not the Solution
Winner of second prize in EACPE Video Contest 2014
Winner of second prize in EACPE Video Contest 2014
The Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education (EACPE) seeks to foster the use of science and reason to understand nature and society and so better enable all citizens of Pakistan to participate fully in the political, social, economic, and cultural life of their society; to exercise their democratic rights and responsibilities; to value human rights, democracy and the rule of law; to promote cultural and religious diversity; to raise awareness of global issues and the natural environment; and to advance the goals of international peace and justice.
EACPE is named to honour the life and work of distinguished Pakistani academic, activist, and public intellectual, Dr. Eqbal Ahmad.
“The EACPE record is very impressive, and hopeful — a rarity these days. About the webpage (design), I don’t have anything useful to say. Have little experience that’s relevant. To me personally, the range and choice of topics is appealing and impressive. I can’t think of any useful way to improve it.”
— Noam
(Received on 5th May, 2017. As a member of the EACPE board, Professor Noam Chomsky was asked to suggest how to improve our main page)
Young people like Alizeh renews my hope for Pakistan.
a very brief and excellent description of facts regarding kalabagh dam but the question is why the state is not investing in other energy alternatives which have no polititcal reservations.
I am sorry Alizah, I don’t agree with your view point. Your video statement is missing with technical details. I have few questions, if you can answers.
1. Why I cant find any reaction of Pakistan’s Anti Dam People, when India constructs a Dam on our Waters even on our Borders?
2. Will you please check figures of Pakistan’s Population and Cultivated Areas (Before and After) construction of Tarbella and Mangla Dam?
3. In purview of Increasing Population and Decreasing Water Storage Capacities, do you have any alternative plans, how will you propose to feed such a huge population?
4. If dis-placement of people is so dangerous, than why our journalist do not campaign against land grabbers, industrialist, real estate property dealers?
5. I am sorry, you have misguided people by saying that floods only flow from eastern rivers, kindly correct your facts and figures?
Can you send me the statistics for your Question number 2,?
Happy to see Alizeh efforts and more than happy to know that she has visited the areas like coastal belt of Sindh. Very valid points made by her however it would be good if Alizeh has talked about the carryover dams and alternate energy resources like Wind, Solar and Coal.