Special Relativity, Lecture 1: Space and Time (English)

Teach Yourself Special Relativity with Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy

Lecture 1: Space and Time

1. Relative motion
2. Space-time
3. Frames of reference
4. Galilean transformations
5. The search for ether


  1. Parvez sir I have two questions and I am across the border from India sir please respond my first question IFA planet have 10 times more gravitational force than Earth then can we calculate the rate of time dilation on that planet with respect to Earth sir my second question is according to Hassan berg uncertainty principle when we see electron its change its behaviour position speed since Photon collide with electron but this phenomenon that is light or Photon are always collide with electrons even when we not see electrons then why only by seeing effect electron behaviour how our seeing effect electron

  2. Immense respect for you Sir! Thank you so much for making efforts for both English and Urdu videos.!

    Is it possible to release Physics 101 with English subtitle? as I am posting these YouTube links on social media.I have found these videos in 2019 and relealised they were posted while back.These lectures should be made compulsory for every undergraduate physics class room.

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