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I often realize people using the phrase: “Life is short” on different occasions as an excuse. They use the expression so convincingly that not only distract the youngsters who look up to them to do more in their lives but also make up their mind that they cannot dream big or achieve more unless they have big references or rich parents to support them. Unfortunately, mostly believed them and stop dreaming big; they may work hard for their survival in the society but in the wrong direction because they have failed to understand their strengths.

Life is a blessing which we often take for granted. Instead of apprehending the time we have in this world where we could do hundreds of things to remember at the end, we waste that precious time doing nothing valuable. Imagine the things we could do every single day; we all have exactly same 24 hours ahead of us daily but few individuals gain a lot in that time period while often of us just sit around and spend our entire life at one place. So that concludes a question, what is so special about those specific individuals that we don’t have? 

Make your life productive and try to create new stories everyday.

The answer is simple: they feel comfortable being in an uncomfortable situation, they like challenges; they win more than they lose for the reason that they try new things daily which train their mind and body into the endearing direction because they feel they could do anything if they put their efforts in it. They drag themselves in difficult situations to test their abilities without hesitation. And most importantly, they believe in the fact that life is not short, you just get to do more. But are those people born this way? No they don’t; it requires years of hard work and determination; everyone can achieve great things in life by preparing their mind for that unusual path. Instead of wasting time on procrastination and on social media, it is far better to do things that will add up to the memories and that will fascinate you. Try to create new stories everyday.

Make a promise to yourself that you will make everyday productive, you will do exciting and fun things that will add up to your memories for you to later enjoy and laugh over. Promise yourself that you will take your life easy and will pass through the toughest times without complaining and grinding because we all know, “no matter how hard the time is, it will pass anyway”. Promise yourself that you will do good deeds with all even with those who hurt you intentionally or unintentionally as it is known that life repeats its cycle. Lie on the bed every night with a satisfied mind and soul; furthermore, don’t forget to thank the creator for the healthy and amazing life. As you are immensely fortunate to have this one spectacular life, so there is no reason you don’t or shouldn’t make this the best one.

So by the time you die and be sitting on your death bed, you’d be able to say; “yep, I did it right”! (Quote inspired by Logan Paul)

About the Author:

Anum Iqbal is a 22 years old Business student who has recently graduated from University of Central Punjab. She believes in dreaming big and turning them into realities. Serving the society where she lives in and motivating students to do something big are few of them.


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