Home Education غیر مسلم بچوں کو پاکستان میں کیا پڑھایا جا رہا ہے؟
کیا آپ کو معلوم ہے کہ ہمارا موجودہ نظام تعلیم، آئین پاکستان کی خلاف ورزی کرتے ہوئے غیر مسلم بچوں کو پاکستان میں اسلامی دینی تعلیم حاصل کرنے پر مجبور کرتا ہے؟
پیشکش: ڈاکٹر عبدالحمید نیر
When other religious communities are declared non/not muslims than how come one can force to teach them such subjects and resulting poor results for such pupils or they develop distorted minds and behavior Than when such pupils of other religions become part of the society and they can easily be victimized by blasphemy laws, as they would by the nature of a routine life , make use of such words or rituals unconsciously.
I think it is fault of someone’s mind. In Pakistan Non Muslims are never forced to study Islamiyat. They have option of Civics / Pak Studies.
mr shujaat husian: if i go for civics instead of islamiyat, then checker would easily mark me as a non muslim, then he will definitely give me very low marks.
Why option would be Civic or ethics. why not education of their respective religion.
Yes you said right but some low standard school children behavior not good for other class mate and they force
Dear brother Daleep, i have served as teacher from Primary level to College in private and government sector and always found non Muslims students satisfied. Even in Board Exams, papers of subjects like Civics etc goes for marking to non Muslim teacher. So there is no chance of injustice in marking for non Muslims.
Dear Brother,,,
Yes their is optional subject civics but for your information their is no any proper teacher available in high school or other school even our teacher told us your civics copy check by Muslim teacher in the board office so be careful to chose this kind of subject …..and when we see the result its look passing marks in civics ..If civics teacher is not present in the school and colleges then how we chose the civics subject …finally forcefully we chose Islamic study subject. Even we are not getting our religious holiday such as Depawali ,, Holi Eid leave…..if some of person they do leave and comes after leave it must be punish and see the school work in three days is more then 12 month of the work …..we are not blaming but again we silent because of minorities………….
leave islamiat or civics see the books of english,urdu from lass 1 to 12,they tell as the whole universe is a product of islamic history,
Dear Shujaat bhai, If you think non Muslims are not forced to study Islamiat than why civic and Pak study is an option only for non- Muslims. Do the Muslim student no need to study these subjects?.
Nothing is wrong in learning Islamic studies or any other knowledge. As the main aim of all religions is same; to connect individual (soul) with the Master/Creator, so all the students should learn about all major religions to minimize the differences created by half educated exploiters.
what a planned game…..Islamic teaching, and in very 1st class “childhood” as to mould mind accordingly…… and those who are arguing regarding Ethics and Pak studies….can they tell me where is option Ethics in 1st class…
I am not agree with video. 95% Muslim population can not be ignored. Nothing is sectarian. these are general things.
Interesting.. Can I use this video in one of my TV program ‘Password’ from a South Asian TV channel in Canada? I would like to compare Pakistani curriculum with the Christian and Hindu curriculum through the local Canadian guests and Indian educationalist.
Please let me know through email.
Religious mind teachers leave no stone to induce non Muslim innocent studen to be Muslim school & colleges. Not only this but they convince to read such so called books in which Hindu Sanatn dharm has been millaghned. i. e Tuhftulhind printed by National acedmy Hyderabad & Dr Zakir’s manuscript books. We personally witness such a terriable situation.
Why not Bhagwant Geeta being learned to Muslim.
Mostly text books relating sindhi urdu even botany &zoology reflect muslim religious scripts.
Why not dharmi channel allowed I. e Aastha.. PTC panjabi by Pemra.