What If The Moon Were 10 Times Bigger? (Urdu)

A joint Urdu dubbing project of Mashal Books and the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education with generous support from Nasser Ahmad.

Our Earth and the Moon are part of a mini-system that works together. What would happen if the moon were suddenly 10 times bigger than it is now? Could it devastate our planet? Let’s find out.

Voice Over: Maria Rubab
Technical Help: Media 6

Special thanks to “Unveiled” for giving permission to use this documentary for non-commercial, non-profit and education purpose by dubbing in Urdu language.

A joint Urdu dubbing project of Mashal Books and the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education with generous support from Nasser Ahmad.

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  1. My messages for Dr Pervez hoodbhoy sir I respect you as much as I respect Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee I am also interested in Physics in school days I also want to become a physicist you are a rational humble voice person thanks for your educational videos

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